Promote your experience with
Three reasons why you should add a listing today!
- You will be able to display your trip information accurately.
- Your listing will display a ‘Verified’ Badge, giving your customers more confidence.
- More targeted customers will find you.
To list your basic information on the site is FREE! We do however have several other options, such as our Featured and Premium Listings which we recommend you check out here. These upgraded options enable your listing to stand out even more.
If you require detailed instructions on completing this form, please click here (opens in a new page).
Can’t be bothered with filling out forms? Simply email us your details and we will load the listing on your behalf. Use this form as a guide.
Please note that we only accept listings from Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific. By submitting this form you agree to our terms & conditions.
BEFORE YOU START … search our listings to make sure your business is not already shown. If it is, go to that page and CLAIM YOUR LISTING (check the sidebar of your listing for the Claim button). This will save you time and avoid duplicates.
Please use your business email when registering so that we can validate your ownership / authority to claim a listing. We do not accept claim listing or registration requests from free emails like GMail, Outlook, or Yahoo. All requests are moderated prior to being approved.