What to look for when choosing a whale or dolphin watching operator…

Whale watching is one of the most breathtaking experiences you can experience. The chance to observe these creatures in their natural habitat is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and there’s no better way to do it than on a whale watching tour. However, with so many different options, it can be tough to know which one to choose.
It’s no wonder our most popular question is How do I choose my Whale Watching trip?
Both the Whale & Dolphin Conservation (WDC) and the IWC (IWC – Whale Watching Handbook) have some incredible information to use when seeking an answer to that question and we’ve summarised their recommendations below.
Use this checklist to help you identify a responsible whale watching tour operator, together with a handy acronym (SCORE) that will help you to remember the key attributes of a good tour.
When booking your tour, you should be looking for a Whale or Dolphin Watch Operator that prioritises:
… have adequate safety provisions
A safe whale watch boat should have a knowledgeable skipper and crew, operating legally and with appropriate training and licensing for their region. The trip should include an appropriate safety briefing for all passengers and carry all necessary safety equipment (life jackets etc) in case of an accident.
…Carries out research
There are several advantages in whale watching companies voluntarily providing data to researchers. On some boats, the naturalist-guide may also use the vessel as a platform for their research activities, such as logging sightings, and conducting photo-identification studies. Sometimes passengers may be able to assist with simple activities. This adds a new dimension to the experience and is also an excellent way of learning and feeling more involved. A good operator will recognise the need to find out as much as possible about the whales, dolphins and other wildlife in the area. Ongoing research can benefit their business by providing a continually expanding source of knowledge on the local whales and their daily and seasonal movements.
…of customer care
This means honest advertising of what passengers can expect from the trip. This may include offering a “sightings success rate” but this should be realistic as, with few exceptions, it is virtually impossible to guarantee sightings on every trip. Every aspect of the trip should be professional, including punctual departures; the vessel should be clean, and the crew friendly and polite. If a trip has to be cancelled due to adverse sea and weather conditions, find out whether there is a policy of refunding fares or offering free places on a future trip.
… puts the whales and dolphins first and follows regulations
This means careful and responsible boat handling and ensuring that the operator follows regulations in place to protect the whales and dolphins. It is sometimes easy to forget that we are uninvited guests in the whales’ world and we are privileged to see them. We have a responsibility to cause as little disturbance as possible. It is always tempting to try to get as close as possible to the whales, especially if you are trying to take photographs, but remember that they are truly wild and constant disturbance can seriously affect their ability to feed, rest and rear their young. In fact, careful and considerate behaviour around the whales usually results in much longer encounters with them, and the added bonus of observing more interesting and natural behaviour.
… has an onboard naturalist-guide
This is really important and can really enhance the trip and make for a truly memorable experience! Choose a vessel which offers some form of educational commentary – preferably both before and during the trip. The larger boats may employ a trained naturalist and this is always preferable, but on the smaller boats, the skipper may also act as the guide.
A good guide will give you a factual and informative commentary on the various species of whale and dolphin you are hoping to see, as well as the other marine wildlife in the area. They will also be knowledgeable about any threats facing local marine wildlife or their habitat. It can be difficult to positively identify a whale or dolphin which is some distance away and here, the trained eyes of the guide will help you to identify that “small black fin to starboard”. The guide will also be able to interpret the behaviour of the whales and dolphins being observed and this can really add to your understanding and enjoyment of the experience. A really well-rounded commentary may also include various education materials, and the guide may even pass around some (legally-sourced) artefacts such as samples of baleen, a jawbone, or teeth, for passengers to examine.
We’ve taken this outline one step further and added these questions to our listings on WhaleWatchingGuide.com. It’s a work in progress, but we hope in time this is a resource that will become invaluable to you when booking your next trip!
Within each listing, you will find the ‘Score’ Checklist. Remember to look for the orange Verified badge, as this means the operator has confirmed that the information is accurate. Otherwise, feel free to ask these questions when booking your next trip.